Solo Travel Luxury Market

Solo travel luxury market is an increasingly important part of our business at The Woodbridge Tasmania.

This season, in particular, we have seen a huge jump in single bookings, especially single ladies. They frequently come for an extended stay and use us as their base. They explore during the day, and come ‘home’ to familiar surrounds where they feel safe and comfortable.


We are not alone … solo travel is one of the hottest topics this year.

One website reports that 25% of all American millennials plan to travel by themselves each year.

Statistics show that the number of people traveling solo increased by 42% even before the pandemic.

One small-group travel company plans trips for 75,000 people per year. Their data shows that more than 50% of the travellers booking with them are going alone.

Another small-group travel company, has seen such a boom in solo travel that they’ve upped the number of single spaces they have available in 2021, a 76% increase over 2019.

Solo travelers are big on social media too. The #solotravel hashtag has been used on Instagram over 7 million times.

Subscribers to the Solo Traveler newsletter grew from 33,000 to over 50,000 in 1 year.


We can expect to see a continued rise in the demand from solo travelers.

There is also a dramatic uptick in the supply of products catering to this market with reduced single supplement charges. Some companies are waiving the single supplements entirely.


While our solo guests tend to be independent travellers, small tour groups are undoubtedly popular with the solo traveller. And it is a growing market for the tour companies.


How tour operators are reacting

Tour operators are taking notice. Many escorted experiences throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Persian Gulf have been popular for solo vacationers. These allows individuals to travel within a group of passengers instead of experiencing these destinations alone.

Some companies actively cultivate the solo traveller market. The solo traveller luxury market  is an increasingly important an important part of many tour companies. The luxury hotel barge company has seen a 50% increase in solo travellers in the past two years.

Small group escorted travel is a natural fit for the solo traveller luxury market. Guests can confidently travel to places where cultural or language differences might make them hesitant to explore on their own.